Right under the arena , where the gladiators used to fight, a complex of dungeons worked as a backstage for the matches. The Colosseum’s dungeons is organized with a central corridor and some minors, where gladiators got ready for the combats and romans used a sort of old lift to create some special effects. Infact, the animals were brought to the arena floor thanks to this kind of lift, drove by many people. The lift was recently reconstructed to give an idea of how it used to be. Visiting the dungeons is fundamental to understand the engineering of the romans. Can you image to organize special effects about 2000 years ago without the help of technology?
Group tours
+39 345 299 1656 or +39 320 137 6113 -
Office number
+39 06 69226693 -
Private tours
+39 320 882 2894